
Where am I

I managed to slip over on 6-November-2015 and fracture the femoral head of my right hip. This blog is just to keep friends and relatives up-to-date with my recovery. It also will show where the NHS is good and where there is opportunity to improve. If you click the images tab (above) there are a few images of the break before and after the repair.

Update 10-June-2016 - sadly the femoral head has avascular necrosis and a total hip replacement will be carried out on 15-June-2016

I am home in Stoke Bruerne

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Day 19

Information came to hand late last night that gives a lot more clarity to the short term future of what may happen to me (I still have this over-riding feeling that it should not have required the external pressure it did to produce this information):  
  • I have a provisional appointment for the fracture clinic for 19-December (just less than 4 weeks away).
  • I will not be permitted to weight bear before that appointment
  • That appointment should give clarity around my ability to weight bear (I am expecting to be allowed to weight bear following that appointment)
  • I won't move to any long term rehabilitation until I can weight bear
So extrapolating that out a bit it means, I think, that I shall remain at Cliftonville until at least 19-December and then, if allowed to weight bear, will move on to more longer term rehabilitation in the week before Christmas - see options in the panel to the right - 'Options for Rehab' - my only option, I believe, is Turn Furlong.  That kind of drives a coach and horses through the plans my friend Sue and I had for Christmas but she has a hip problem of her own (I think it is just 'old age' - she is 6 months older than me!) which needs addressing and for me it is just bad luck that my recuperation falls the way it does. We had yesterday decided to call a halt to our plans anyway in the light of the uncertainty we saw, at the time, of the short-term future for me.  In a moment of practibility it is important to remember, that despite the issues I have faced here, the clinical care has been outstanding and my part of the deal is to follow the instructions the medics give me as we are in a partnership to get me back to full mobility as soon as we can.

All of this raises some concerns about moving back home (concerns raised at this early stage when not really knowing what my mobility will be like):

  • Negotiating the stairs (bannisters only on one side)
  • Negotiating the front steps (there's no support in the form of 'bannisters' to help)
  • Getting up the Jetway (that's the steep little path between No 4 and the Spice of Bruerne) if I use the back door and am making my way to the towpath
  • Cleaning the house (will Occupational Therapy give guidance I wonder)
  • Changing the sheets (will Occupational Therapy give guidance I wonder)
  • Doing the ironing/washing (will Occupational Therapy give guidance I wonder)
  • Showering - I like the seat in the Cliftonville shower but wonder if my shower is too small (will Occupational Therapy give guidance I wonder)
  • Shopping - Groceries - good opportunity to try out on line delivery I expect
  • Driving (I need to get back in my MX-5)
I have this morning asked for confirmation of the short-term plan outlined above but I am told Cliftonville doesn't know what the plan is yet despite asking.  It seems there is a plan but no one is sharing it with me apart from the information I received last night. Hopeless is the word that comes to mind - how can I possibly plan anything other than on information that I have been privy to - just a bit of open honesty within the hospital would go miles towards making me less anxious. No morning tea this morning - I must be on the naughty step again!

I have asked to be put on the list for the Chiropody visit tomorrow - my expectation is that it won't happen - why would it when nothing else has - call me a cynic if you wish but it is my perception!

Just had a visit from the discharge team - a little bit more clarity but not a lot - it seems they run independently to the nurses here at Cliftonville.  The 19-December date for the fracture clinic is an approximate date; they don't issue firm appointments until the week before; they'd never get a planning job with me I am afraid.  There's some debate now if I am permitted to 'touch toe' weight bear - there is a comment in my notes to this effect dated 10-November but every other comment I have had says NWB (Non Weight Bearing) and I have been ticked off for taking a tiny 'balance' weight on my right leg so the discharge team and I are confused by the comment. They are endeavouring to contact the physio this afternoon.

I have been warned that the fracture clinic may extend my non-weight bearing over Christmas which would be dispiriting or I may be sent to a specialist care home or I may be allowed home with visits three times a day to ensure I am OK or I may be allowed home and only permitted to live on one floor - I think that's unviable in reality.

I have kicked things off by asking my builder about bannisters (to match the current ones) down the inside of the stairwell (and a seat in my shower) and I have e-mailed the local blacksmith (Bob the Blacksmith) to see if he would make me a handrail, in keeping with the house, for the steps up to the front door.

Lovely visits this afternoon from Steph Furniss, Emma Hermon and Sarah Brown (all of CRT) and Helen Westlake (with some lovely washed clothes - thank you Helen) and Mike P both from Stoke Bruerne Canal Partnership. A lovely visit late this evening from Roy Sears; he came complete with a 1,000 piece jigsaw of a narrowboat for me to complete - thank you Roy it is much appreciated.

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