
Where am I

I managed to slip over on 6-November-2015 and fracture the femoral head of my right hip. This blog is just to keep friends and relatives up-to-date with my recovery. It also will show where the NHS is good and where there is opportunity to improve. If you click the images tab (above) there are a few images of the break before and after the repair.

Update 10-June-2016 - sadly the femoral head has avascular necrosis and a total hip replacement will be carried out on 15-June-2016

I am home in Stoke Bruerne

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Day 91 (43) to Day 96 (48)

Another quiet day today. Just doing the 'normal' things such as the ironing and housework - the housework is good Physio for me and I am happy to take life quietly at the moment. A busy week in prospect with the top lock outside due to be taken apart starting on Monday morning, a FRED (Fish Rescue Education Day) on Tuesday, Adoption Day on Wednesday (won't be doing too much manual labour though), Physio and the Fracture Clinic on Thursday and then the Lock Open weekend on the Saturday and Sunday.  I'll have Friday off for good behaviour!

Waitangi Day today; a day that most Kiwis do not forget (mainly because it is a public holiday in NZ!).

My friend Richard came over this morning whist I scanned in his drawings of the cloths for Sculptor - they cover the cargo hold when the weather is inclement or when carrying a cargo that is susceptible to water. The drawings will be sent on to a company under Spaghetti Junction (Gravely Hill Interchange in proper speak!) which is the intersection of the M5 and M6.

I have enjoyed a quiet day today (I had the pleasure of entertaining by friend Emma for 45 mins or so) as it is the first round of 6 Nations rugby this weekend.

Much more flexible this morning - I know I have to push the exercise but obtaining the right balance is quite a challenge.  Friday was fine and I felt as if my mobility was as good as it has been since breaking my hip.  I had an appointment today to have my eyes tested - the good news is that I don't need new glasses and that my eyes have neither deteriorated or improved in the last two years.

An appointment today with the Phlebotomist (what a title!) at my GP surgery today.  She needed a bit of blood from me.  I asked about my Vitamin D levels which she said were normal but that the hospital were concerned about my kidney function and my creatinine levels - - I am of the opinion that my leg muscles waisted a bit during the long periods of doing nothing and now I am up and down the stairs, going out for walks and doing as much Physio as I can so I am not surprised that my creatinine levels are on the high side.  Anyway I can't change much at the moment so I'll need to wait and see.

I walked up to the tunnel portal and back at lunchtime and paid for it later in the evening - no trouble walking but that, coupled with a bit more walking around in the afternoon, kind of seized me up by the time I went to bed (much better the following morning).

A quiet day spent watching the England/South Africa cricket match. Managed to put the rubbish out today which is another 'first'.  Tomorrow I am off to the vampires at my local GP Surgery as they want more blood from me - probably because my Vitamin D levels are still low - I'll try and find out why if I can. It might seem like a small thing but I can now balance on my right leg 'on demand' and I can put on my Jimmys (not a pleasant sight!) without the need to sit down or use an external means of supporting myself. I've not been able to do that for three months.

Another 'good' day - much more flexibility and mobility. This morning John Chambers came and fitted grab handles to two out of the three flights of stairs I have - on the top flight it just doesn't seem possible (or necessary) to fit grab handles. I did expect the NHS to look at doing that but I can't have looked pathetic enough at the time. They will, I expect, become useful in the coming years! There are two on the flight of stairs from the sitting room to the kitchen and two on the flight of stairs from the sitting room to the bathroom/spare bedroom.

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